Saturday 14 February 2015

Kayaking equipment

I started Kayaking first, about 2 years ago. Before going into Archery when school started. So I've got a list of kayaking equipment too. By now you would have realised that the sports I join are all very expensive :/

ONNO full tour, 203-213cm, Received on Jan 2013
Speaking to Patrick was a very good experience.

Physical appearance
The paddle itself, it was my mistake to get a 203-213 as it is an expedition paddle and the length is toooo short. My recommendation is 210-220.
The paddle is full carbon signature, as Patrick calls it. Full carbon shaft, and mixture of carbon and fibreglass blades. He assisted to re-enforce the tips upon request.
The outlook isn't refined and poised as many other paddles around. It looks rough and rugged. But for me, what matters is it works.
It is the lightest around, as the shaft is hollow. Additionally, his ferrule allows adjustments of up to 10cm. The only downside is the difficulty in splitting them apart after a tiring day of paddling. Also, the blades may seem very flimsy.

It is a very good TOURING paddle, extremely recommended for low angle use, up to 45 degrees.
Its large face makes it difficult for quick successive strokes. Slow relaxed strokes recommended.
The dihedral face makes for a very good catch. From the start to the end of the stroke, its seems inseparable from the water. I like this as it forces me to rotate my torso for a longer stroke backwards to recover the blade. However, many of my friends don't like this. So take note, this blade design requires a very long stroke.
Mentioned above is the flimsiness. But do not be fooled. In the water, there is zero flutter, zero vibration, zero sideway movement. It feels firm as hell. I say again, the blades are thin and look flimsy when you shake it on land. But in water, it is like concrete.

Price is reasonable for a paddle made to order, and specifically made to your requests. Good for relaxing days, don't think about racing with this FULL TOUR MODEL. Only inconvenience is taking apart the 2pc paddle.
Can't and won't comment about the other paddles he makes. Though they look very good on his website.

I have tried others' Werner ikelos and shuna. Honestly, I'd prefer the werners as the ONNO requires quite a bit of strength to pull. Only thing is the weight. ONNO is the lightest ever cause of the hollow shaft.

pictures when i feel like taking them

Astral Greenjacket (GJ) PFD 2014 edition, blue
The most comfortable PFD I've ever worn. Very good, low profile. Very buoyant. Very maneuverable in it.

to the Stohlquist descent: The descent has a higher buoyancy. But, also a fatter profile. Wearing the descent, i can't put my arms straight down my waist to the thighs as it is HUGE. The GJ on the other hand, due to the lower profile, is more comfortable in this aspect. Plus, the GJ splits its front floatation into 2 pieces, while the descent is all in 1 chunk.
GJ's pockets wise, yes the clamshell is quite large. But, the 2 side ones are pfft. I haven't found any safety equipment able to fit inside. Usually the carabiner takes up the whole space.Mostly because it is on the foam which is rounded.

to the OLD peakuk river guide: the GJ looks so much more sturdy. The riverguide's neoprene sides can get worn out after a lot of torture. And they more often than not, get uncomfortable when adjusting the sides, The river guide's profile is much nicer though.

to the NEW peakuk river guide: The new riverguide is extremely difficult to adjust.
I adjust my vest in this manner. Waist + chest -> hip -> shoulders. (read on to listen to my rambling)
1. The shoulder adjustments are inhibited by the shoulderpads. Yes, the shoulderpads are nice and comfortable, but you'll have to remove the velcro before adjusting the length of the shoulder strap. Which by the way is much more complex than just pulling forward because of the way it is put into the buckle. So there is NO WAY I was able to adjust the shoulder strap length while wearing the vest.
2. Ok great, the vest got over my head. Let me adjust the side straps. Oh wait, I can't find them??!! Peakuk has built them on the inside. That is a very good idea for keeping the straps out of the way, especially since it is a type V vest. But hey, there is no more dual-adjusting. It is a single strap going from the back to the front, then back again to emerge in front in a Z shape. Prefer your vest to be tight? Well, remember that your hand has to go between you and the vest to reach for the side straps?
3. Buckles at the bottom are the same as the old one
The zip compartments are plenty, but mostly to carry rescue equipment, or some small snacks. The zips openings are very tight and not able to stretch.

However, I do have to credit the comfort and profile after the difficult adjustments. Very low profile, does not hinder movements of the arms or torso.

How Astral does it is quite ingenious. They wrap foam around the sides as well. This gives support to the waist, which is honestly, very comfortable. Descent does it exaggeratedly, hence the discomfort i feel. Plus, the descent has a neoprene side. Yes just 1 side. The other side is the zipper.

The GJ is expensive. But it is a very good PFD to wear. Comfort is A+, materials used are durable. Fit is very good with the 8 adjustment points. Only downside is the excess at the adjustments. And pullover design if anyone hates it.

Bombergear k-bomb spray skirt

I have never been so impressed. The workmanship is totally 'bombproof', as they term themselves. Seem indestructable. The only water that goes in is those from my shirt. The rest is flawless. What more do i have to say. Everyone in my club owns one of this.
Price is a factor though. Close to 300SGD.

Let me know if this helped!
Feel free to contact me at!

New BCY-X string, how many strands to use? & Angel

Well, I just burnt the serving of my 22-strand recurve BCY-X string, so I'll have the unfortunate opportunity of getting the 20 strand to see if it fits better. The 22 strand is quite tight for my Easton platinum 1716 arrows with a normal nock (should be #1 easton). I have 2 other strings, not sure what material. Probably around the Dacron / 8125 region. But one is 18 strand while another is 16.

Wait for a week to see if the 20 strand is a good size.
16 strand string was on the verge of dropping. A large move and the arrow falls off.
18 strand provided a good hold. A tap did the trick.
Yes! The 20 strand is just slightly tight on the arrow, but is much better than the 22 strand.
The net says that the arrow should fall off the string with a gentle tap on the string. Mine was a not-so-gentle tap, but it still fell off!! So I'll just go with it :)

Btw, the with the BCY-X string made by Avalon tec-one, it looks soooooooooo good with my black winex, and black KAP Winstorm II. Together with red stabs and red sight, it'll be the nicest setup I've ever seen. For pictures, refer to post on Winstorm II review

-Add 19 Sep, 2015-
So I've started to play around with string making, cause I found a string making jig and a spool of Astro Flight string lying around. So a friend and I bought a serving jig, angel majestic pro string and angel majestic serving to try making our own string.

Research tells me that for Astro Flight and Angel Majestic, 16 strands is a good number for 32# and above. If you're pulling less than 30#, you can probably do 14 strands as well.
Serving diameter: we bought the 0.021" diameter but it is too thick for my platinum arrows' G-nocks, for both 14 and 16 strands. So I'll be getting 0.018" for the center servings while 0.021" for end loops.

In summary

Nock size 1, I would use the same Angel configuration for poundage up to 44#
32-36#bcyxAngel MajesticAstro Flight
strand count181614
serving size0.021"0.021"0.021"

--Add 26 Jan, 2016-- On the line between think and thin
Based on my G-nock and my friends' G-nock, we have different preferences in terms of serving width and string strand count.
1) Astroflight 16 strands & 0.021" center serving
Me: Initially tight. After using, the nocking area gets thinner. Alright for use, but still too tight to my liking
Friend: Prefers this set up as the arrow wont fall off too easily. In case of accidental touches

2) Angel 16 strands & 0.018" center serving
Me: Perfect. Comes off easily yet not too susceptible to gentle touches
Friend: Too lose. His fingers shifted when hooking the arrow and felt that he might accidentally dry fire

--Add 24 Feb, 2016--
Thickness update of Astro Flight & Angel Majes Pro.
16 strands of both Astro Flight and Angel was made with Angel serving (0.018" diameter).
AFs are much THICKER than Angel. The Angel was just nice (or just slightly thicker) for my carbon express arrows, pin nocks

The Astro extended within shooting 50 arrows, my brace height decreased just 2mm. Did not extend some more
The Angel seemed to extend non-stop. Only till about 200-300 arrows later did it stop extending. Brace height dropped by like 8mm. Suggestion if you're making your own Angel Majes Pro. Make your string just 5mm longer than the required length when its strung up. (I made 64"). Able to do 20-25 twists on the string. When it extends again, should go back to your expected brace height

Let me know if this helped!
Feel free to contact me at!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Second post: On KAP winstorm II archery recurve limbs review

I have included a very crucial review on the limbs in another later post. Please refer to that as well.

No reviews on the net for the new KAP Winstorm II recurve limbs after W&W started the KAP line again. So I'm here to do mine

Fun fact: KAP line restarted in the Q3 of 2014. Their new Winstorm I limbs cost 80SGD (excl shipping) carbon/wood setup. I am currently using the old Winstorm 68" 32#, with W&W Winex riser and have been served quite well. Other than the poundage feeling a lot lighter than the CyBow PowerFull 68" 32#. It felt a lot like my friend's SF Axiom+ 28# and SF Elite 28#.

Just for the record, CyBow PowerFull 32# wasn't nice to use as it just kept bouncing around the riser after the arrow flew out.

Back to topic, I just received the Winstorm II, 68" 32#, from and am waiting to try them out over the weekend. They cost about 150SGD (excl shipping of about 20USD). Carbon/foam setup. The only 2 reasons I got them were because they were cheap. And Coach mentioned that they're made in the same factory as SF limbs, just branded differently.

Finally managed to shoot the new limbs with my old string. I'm quite bad at feeling the difference between limbs, so I'll quote what my friends said.

"It's very smooth to draw!" - compare with SF Axiom+
"Very smooth draw!" - another experienced archer

And after trying the axiom+, I have to admit, it is quite nice to use.
Draw weight throughout the draw feels even and does not suddenly increase, even with 'overdraw'. Each shot feels firm

Considering its price (S$180 incl' shipping), material (carbon/foam), its performance (smooth and firm, I feel that it is a good buy. Just so you know, only using it as an intermediate limb. Hoping to change to 36# end of the year.

Compared To
The SF Elite, I've only used a friend's personal SF Elite on his HOYT GMX, and I can say it felt kinda similar. In terms of the smooth draw and firm release. Not too sure about what is inside each limb though, KAP just calls it foam, while SF calls it Hight Foam?
The Elite costs S$270 from local retailers in Singapore.

-Add Aug, 2015-
Reflecting on the the feel of both the limbs (SF-E and KAP WS2), I have a slight inclination to say that the SF-E feels more firm. Maybe it's my tuning, or maybe I'm wrong.
-End of addition-

After two months of use
Tuning: After installing the limbs, following my Coach's recommendations (brace height 22.6cm, tiller height difference 0.6cm) for 68" bow, each release had a huge "bang" and it just doesn't sound good.
A friend told me that W&W recommended tiller height difference was 0.3cm. Since KAP and SF are by W&W, he told me why not try it out? I did. It was sooooo silent with a good 'woosh' now instead.

Creeking: Now this is what worries me most. When I first put the limbs on, and drew it a few times, there were creeking sounds where the limbs met the riser. Well, Coach said it's fine, so I continued using it. Guess it was like a 'run-in period' for the limbs. After shooting for 4 hours, the creek was gone.
Now, Coach advised me to turn in the tiller boards. New they're quite deep in, about 3 rounds before it touches bottom. And the limbs start creeking again :/
And it seems like its creeking from middle of the limb, not the attachment. Ohdear. Time to go to Coach again.
For the record, before turning in, the poundage gauge measured 32# draw weight. After turning the knobs in, it measured 36.4#.
-25Nov, 2015-
No more creeking in the limbs, but the bottom limb is rattling in the limb pocket

Limbs appearance:
1, little dots start appearing on the top of the limb where the limb is attached to the riser. I feel it's just cosmetics.
2. There are 2 bulges at the middle of the bottom limb facing me. I hope it's not the limbs delaminating. Will research to see what it is.
The cosmetic defects are due to the humidity in Singapore and is a common sight. So it's not because of the limbs, but because of the weather. Keep the equipment dry and store it dry!

Pictures when I'm free.

Third month of use
Well over run-in period. The limbs have been giving me consistent shots (sufficiently consistent for an amateur like me).
No more creeking. Very satisfied with the purchase.

Sixth month of use
For some reason, I cant see any of the cosmetic defects anymore. Will try to find it harder next time.
Shot thousands of arrows already, probably more than 2k. Limbs are holding up well. Sounds and feels good too.
Here is my bow setup, haven't taken individual shots of the items.

-Add 16Sep, 2015-
(Refer to the later post about the limbs. It is NOT twisted!!)
Seventh / eighth month of use - refer to the new winstorm II post for a clarification. It's not the limbs' fault
If you're considering getting this pair of limbs, I'd say HOLD IT!
It does seem like my top limb is getting warped (twist). Optimistic as always, I'll think its just bad tuning and alignment. But I have to confirm it and accept if it has really twisted.
2 likely reasons
i) I did not tune and align properly from the start, hence it twisted
ii) It is unable to handle it's own weight. As mentioned above, it is being pulled 36# (measured with the scale) on a limb rated 32#.

If you do want to buy winstorm II, go for a lower poundage (26#?) if you want it to last. If you want to go higher, go for quality-assured limbs like W&W
-end of add-
-Add 17Sep, 2015-
It is official, the top limb has twisted.. Anyone can suggest a good, cheap limb rated 34-36#?
-Add 25Nov, 2015-
So, sent it back to the distributer to check and they said its not warped. When I got it back and started shooting again, it looked fine. Will update when I see more of it
-end of add-

Kindly refer to the second post about this limb

Always believed in maintaining my equipment and keeping them clean

Technical details
Riser: W&W Winex (old model)
Limbs: KAP Winstorm II
Stabiliser: Fivics CEX7
Sight: Shibuya RC Ultima red w fibre optic (just changed, picture not updated)
String: Avalon BCY-X 20 strand
Tiller height difference: 0.3mm

I'm looking forward to a Uukha x0 or x1 next. Let me know how it is please, someone!

Let me know if this helped!
Feel free to contact me at!

First Post, a description

This is like a journal, for information I couldn't find on the net. So anyone, if for some funny reason is trying to find the same thing, hopefully he can find the answer here.

Feel free to contact me at!