Tuesday 15 November 2016

Thinking of changing Limbs..

Looking to change to my own long term high poundage limbs.. Currently using a friend's Inno EX Power 68" 38#. Thinking of..

- Titan x2
- Inno EX Power
- Wiawis NS
- Wiawis One
- MK?

Thursday 14 July 2016

Fivics Titan x2 riser

Gotten around to changing a riser. The new Fivics Titan X2! Here's some info and my thoughts abt it

Design: it's design looks extremely close to GMX and MKX 10. 
The riser design is exactly the same as the previous Titan plus.
The difference: the grip and the little damper at the bottom of the grip.

Titan X2 in its natural habitat
Fixing up the riser with the accessories

Pluses and minuses
Grip: changed from the glossy low wrist on Titan+ to a mid grip matte finish. The feel is great. I absolutely love the comfort of it. Do try it out for yourself first though, as I have small hands. The mid grip fits my hands just right, like a natural hand-wrist position.
Comparing to the wiawis nano max, it feels smaller. I could never get a proper grip when trying out my friend's bow. Or maybe my hand was wet and couldnt grip properly. The Titan grip is still white though (which is sad). 

The surface:
It has that textured look like it just came out from production and it looks just great. At least it has some feels compared to a painted bow.

Finally, the shooting feel:
To be honest. It feels amazing. Fivics say it's 1315g weight. The old winex is 1250g. But the Titan x2 feels much lighter when drawing and anchoring.

With the winex, it felt like carrying a block of metal. It's chunky, and oomph-ey. Like a drumstick you eat using your hands and take a giant bite into it. 

The x2 itself feels and looks streamlined with less edges and more curves. It feels elegant and poised. Like the perfectly glazed chicken wing that just came out from the grill. (Crap I'm hungry..) Gives the satisfaction and yearning to come back for more. Just like how I can't wait to go back to shooting it again.

It is probably because the balance is toward the front. Which is why the shooting feel is so different. It feels light, but packs a huge punch. After release, it just jumps out so spontaneously.

Hope I can say more, after a few more weeks of shooting

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Fivics Nano-XQ

---26 Jan---
Hello!! With the up in poundage also comes an upgrade in arrows. Plus the fact that I'll be shooting 50m in a competition soon. Coach just shipped in Fivics NANO-XQ arrows.

From some snooping around the websites, it looks like Carbon Express produces arrows for Fivics too. Especially since the Nano-XR and Nano-Pro on the Fivics Archery online shop looks exactly the same as the ones on the CX website.
Now the Fivics 2016 catalogue has the XQs listed, together with ZEILOs and other beginner arrows. The XRs and Pros are nowhere to be seen. So it does seem like the feedback from XRs and Pros have gone into the XQs and these are the go-to arrows now.
The claim is that these arrows are just below X10s. They are also claimed to be much more durable, much faster and much more stable than the A/C/G, definitely comparable to A/C/E.
Price wise, its likely around A/C/E range.

Made a visual comparison to my friend's X10s. The X10s are designed to have wider shaft and narrower ends. The XQs width are definitely comparable to the X10s. Widths of the X10s in the middle are just slightly wider than the XQs, while the ends are about the same size or narrower.

I guess the only way to find out is to shoot them. Stay tuned!

---14 July---
Received an email from a reader who wanted to find out more about the NANO-XQ. Thanks for contacting me! He has been using the NANO-XR for 3 years and is looking to upgrade. I'm no expert to comment, but here's my reply based on my what I went through with the arrows. If you're looking for a definitive reply as to buy or not buy, you'll likely not find it here...

I have been using them since January till now. Twice a week, about 100-200 arrows each time.

I have completed with them at 50m in March and 18m in June with 36# limbs, and recently changed to 38# limbs in June.

In March for the 50m competition, my form wasn't very good and the scores reflected it. But what is great is that they could hit consistent 7-10 points during the competition. When I did not shoot properly and my form was bad, they would land at 2-6 points.

In June for the 18m competition, my form was more consistent. The arrows performed perfectly. I could get 9-10 points consistently on the triple face.

After switching to 38#, the spine is a bit soft for 38#. I will have to change another set of arrows for 38#.

The last week was quite a bad experience for my arrows. On Wednesday, I was shooting at 26m indoor range. One arrow dropped off the arrow rest just before releasing and it hit the wall at 45 degree angle. There was a hole in the wall about an inch deep, buy thankfully the arrow was fine.

On Saturday at the outdoor range, 2 arrows dropped off the arrow rest again and they flew into the grass. Again, thankfully they only got scratched on the surface and should be able to use after cleaning it up. (Actually, I haven't cleaned them up)

They seem very durable and able to withstand a lot of rough treatment.

As for arrow speed, I can't tell because I don't have any arrows to compare to. But I believe it is also faster than many Easton arrows because it is much thinner.

I have a friend who uses NANO-XR as well. The XQ and XR are of the same size. They look and feel exactly the same. It is likely just the manufacturing process that is different, in terms of the pressure applied to make the arrow (they keep emphasizing this on their product brochure).

If you are satisfied with your NANO-XR, I'm sure the NANO-XQ will not disappoint you

Remember I mentioned changing to another set of stiffer arrows? It will definitely be to NANO-XQ

Best to order the point and pin with the arrows because it's fivics size. Shops may not have the same size for point and pin

Let me know if this helped!
Feel free to contact me at buzytmj@gmail.com!

KAP Winstorm II - is it really twisted??

Hello, the previous post is too long and has too many 'adds'. So decided to make another one.
This is a more of a 'heads up' than a confirmed update as the information still has to be verified.

So after trying to tune my bow many times, I start to wonder if the limb is really at fault. So I tried 2 other sets of limbs on the riser. Seems like the same effect is happening. When the bow is perfectly tuned, the top limb seems twisted. So maybe.. it's' not the limb's fault but the riser's fault.

In order to know, I will let my friends use my limbs when its their time to upgrade. We'll find out soon enough. Or.. You could email me and I could let you try! Totally fine with that, especially now that I've upped poundage and changed limbs.

-more to come--
So someone checked my bow and has confirmed that its bent. So, what next..?

Let me know if this helped!
Feel free to contact me at buzytmj@gmail.com!